百度翻訳でサポートされる 201 言語での翻訳をテストします。
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Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.
In the middle of our life's journey
I found myself in a dark forest,
for the straight way was lost.
A mi - chemin du voyage de notre vie
Je me suis retrouvé dans une forêt sombre,
Parce que la route directe est perdue.
※ 冒頭の "A mi -" がおかしいです。(後で調整)
A mitad de nuestro viaje por la vida
Me encontré en un bosque oscuro,
Porque se perdió por el camino recto.
※ 一行目で nuestro が掛かる名詞がおかしいです。(後で調整)
※ 中国で開発されたため中国語を中間言語としている可能性を考慮して試しましたが、一致しませんでした。ただし、中国語→日本語の直接翻訳と、中国語→英語→日本語の重訳では結果が変わったため、中国語と日本語との翻訳では中間言語を挟んでいないようです(翻訳精度も良好)。他にも中間言語を挟まない組み合わせがありそうですが、調査対象外とします。
英語 | In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost. |
フランス語 | Au milieu du chemin de notre vie, je me suis retrouvé dans une forêt sombre parce que le bon chemin avait été perdu. |
スペイン語 | En medio del camino de nuestras vidas, me encontré en un bosque oscuro porque el camino correcto se había perdido. |
※ 百度翻訳がミスしやすい癖みたいなものに効果があることを期待しています。しかし現実問題として、フランス語とスペイン語に特化した修正が他の言語でどれだけ効果があるかは疑問のため、気休め程度ではあります。
In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
※ その言語への翻訳はうまくいっているのに、英語への逆翻訳の際に問題が生じる可能性があります。対象言語の知識がないと正確には判別できませんが、問題が明らかなものについては翻訳結果の表に赤字で示します。(学習した例文がそのまま出ていたり、バグっていたりすると判断されるものなど)
言語数 | 平均 | 標準偏差 | |
基準となる英語以外 | 200 | 53.0 | 26.5 |
問題のある言語以外 | 137 | 66.8 | 18.5 |
スコア上位(30 位タイまで)に日本語を加えたリストです。
スコア | 言語 |
100 | スコットランド語 |
95 | イタリア語、オランダ語、ギリシア語 |
94 | チェコ語、ドイツ語、ハンガリー語、ブルガリア語、ポーランド語 |
93 | セルビア語(キリル文字) |
91 | スウェーデン語 |
90 | アフリカーンス語、ミャオ語 |
89 | スロベニア語 |
88 | イド語、ニーノシュク、バスク語、ブークモール |
87 | インターリングア |
86 | アイルランド語、ウェールズ語、エスペラント、カタルーニャ語、低地ドイツ語 |
85 | ルーマニア語、西フリジア語 |
84 | ノルウェー語 |
83 | アルバニア語、エストニア語、ガリシア語、ポルトガル語 |
63 | 日本語 |
英語から他の 200 言語への翻訳結果を系統別に整理して示します。
英語&&In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.&&In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
スコットランド語&&In the middle o the path o oor life, I fund myself in a daurk forest, acause the right wey wis lost.&&In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
西フリジア語&&Yn de midden fan it paad fan oar libben fûn ik myself yn in donker bos, omdat de rjochter wize ferlern wie.&&In the middle of the road, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
アフリカーンス語&&In die middel van die pad van ons lewe het ek my gevind in 'n donker bos, omdat die regte weg verlore was.&&In the midst of the way of our life, I found me in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
オランダ語&&Midden op het pad van ons leven, bevond ik me in een donker bos, omdat de juiste weg verloren was.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
ドイツ語&&Mitten auf dem Weg unseres Lebens befand ich mich in einem dunklen Wald, weil der richtige Weg verloren war.&&In the middle of the path of our lives I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
低地ドイツ語&&Bi de Merrn vun de Padd vun uns Lift hett ik mi in en düüster Woot funnen, wiel de richtige Weg verloren wöör.&&At the center of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark way, because the right way was lost.
ルクセンブルク語&&Am Middel vun der paar vun eisen Liicht, fonnt ech myself an enger däischter Welt, well d'richteg Met verloscht war.&&In the middle of some of our light, I found myself in a dark world, because I really lost it.
デンマーク語&&Midt på vejen i vores liv befandt jeg mig selv i en mørk skov, fordi den rigtige vej var tabt.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
スウェーデン語&&Mitt på vägen i vårt liv befann jag mig i en mörk skog, eftersom rätt väg var förlorad.&&In the middle of the road of our lives I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
ノルウェー語&&Midt i livet vårt fant jeg meg selv i en mørk skog fordi den rette veien var tapt.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
ブークモール&&I midten av veien i livet vår fant jeg meg i en mørk skog, fordi den rette måten var tapt.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
ニーノシュク&&I midten av banen i livet vårt fann eg meg i ein mørk skog, fordi den rette måten var tapt.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
アイスランド語&&Í miđjum leiđ lífs okkar fannst ég í myrkri skķgi, ūví rétti leiđin var tũnd.&&In the middle of our lives, I was found in the dark woods, because the right path was lost.
フェロー語&&Míðu vegnum í løvi okkara, fekk eg meg í einum tunniligum skomi, tí at høgreiðin vegin varð missið.&&At the end of the road in our lives, I got me in a dark school when the right way was lost.
古英語&&Mid þam mearc þæt weorða lífes, ic feond þær ealam on dæmestre dēa ðe, þæt þæt rætst weorðan ƿæs gedæᵹaþ.&&As for the rest of the life, I have to go to the first day of your life, the last time that was said.
イディッシュ語&&$אין מיטן פונעם שטח פון אונדזער לעבן, איך האב געפונען זיך אין אַ טונקלý בורג, ווייַל דער רעכטן וועג איז געווארן פאַרלאַרן.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark mountain, because the right way was lost.
リンブルフ語&&#Ein Land, das in meiner Erinnerung immer mit meiner Mutter verbunden sein wird.&&#When she's in a bad mood, she puts them up.
※ リンブルフ語は無関係なドイツ語の例文で、その逆翻訳もおかしいです。
ラテン語&&in medio semitis vitae nostrae inveni me in silva tenebra quia perdidit via recta&&In the midst of the paths of our life, I find myself in the dark forest, because the way of the right path is gone.
フランス語&&Au milieu du chemin de notre vie, je me suis retrouvé dans une forêt sombre parce que le bon chemin avait été perdu.&&On our journey of life, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had been lost.
カナダ・フランス語&&Au milieu de notre vie, je me trouvais dans une forêt sombre, parce que la bonne façon était perdue.&&In the middle of our lives, I was in a dark forest because the right way was lost.
ワロン語&&A mitan do tchmin di nos vies, j 'mi trovo dins ene noere forêt, a cåze ki l' bonne manire a stî pierdou.&&In the middle of our lives, I find myself in a black forest, because the right way was lost.
オック語&&En medio de la camina de nòstra vida, se trobam en un bòsc obscura, perque lo camin juste èra perdud.&&In the middle of our life, we found ourselves in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
カタルーニャ語&&Al mig del camí de la nostra vida, em vaig trobar en un bosc fosc, perquè la manera correcta es va perdre.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
スペイン語&&En medio del camino de nuestras vidas, me encontré en un bosque oscuro porque el camino correcto se había perdido.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because I had lost the right path.
アストゥリアス語&&En medio del camín de la nuesa vida, atopei-y nun bosque oscuro, porque se perdía'l mou correutu.&&In the middle of our lives, I found it in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
ガリシア語&&No medio do camiño da nosa vida, atopeime nun bosque escuro, porque o camiño correcto estaba perdido.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
ポルトガル語&&No meio do caminho da nossa vida, encontrei-me numa floresta escura, porque o caminho certo estava perdido.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
ブラジルポルトガル語&&No meio do caminho da nossa vida, encontrei-me numa floresta escura, porque o caminho certo estava perdido.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
イタリア語&&Nel bel mezzo del cammino della nostra vita, mi sono ritrovato in una foresta buia, perché la strada giusta era persa.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
サルデーニャ語&&A metade de su percursu de sa vida nostra, agatadu·mi in una bosca oscurida, ca sa rota dereta est cantzellada.&&In the middle of our life path, find me in a dark forest, because the right path was deleted.
フリウリ語&&Met in mieç dal percors di nia vita, o stât cjatât in un foresti scuriment, parcè il mût gjestre al è stât pierdût.&&Among the paths of our life, or found in a snapshot, because the right way has been lost.
ルーマニア語&&În mijlocul căii vieţii noastre, m-am trezit într-o pădure întunecată, pentru că drumul corect era pierdut.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I woke up in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
ナポリ語&&#more je assmmaje l mmache’, innnomvolta mme ì rnVaò ffr, ane je ore rneTa ja.&&#In fact, he created the now famous trademark in his own handwriting.
コルシカ語&&#erasti pesguvernu sti vulguvernu Sobet, escttu iniarUn tutta creiza ch, fresti lli coliassicuraparla.&&#In order to catch animals, they used the bola.
ロマンシュ語&&#argras rzbelras organisbelocaDec, aziculartichoria g sticaal, Medras ar definterpretaris.&&#OrganisbelocaDec, aziculartichoria g sticaal, multiple interpreters.
中世フランス語&&#virJoOu LuJojoyLucouple qu, Quissise lansis regreHomie L, zeJopourridisit ient.&&#Zapi hnatlaknak cu zawtnak chawnhning cu a zaw tukmi minung taksa he
アラゴン語&&#In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.&&#In the middle of the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
※ アラゴン語は英語が翻訳されずにそのまま出力されています。
エスペラント&&En la mezo de nia vojo de nia vivo, mi trovis min en malluma arbaro, ĉar la justa vojo estis perdita.&&In the middle of our way of life, I found myself in a dark tree, because the right way was lost.
イド語&&En la mezo di nia vivo, me trovis me en obskura foresto, pro ke la justa voyo perdis.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
インターリングア&&In le medio del cammino de nostre vita, io me trovava in un foreste obscur, proque le cammino correcte esseva perdite.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest because the right way was lost.
ポーランド語&&W środku ścieżki naszego życia znalazłem się w ciemnym lesie, ponieważ właściwa droga została zagubiona.&&In the middle of the path of our lives I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
高地ソルブ語&&W srjedźanskim puću wšitkeho bych so w těmnim šumi namakał, dokelž je prawy puć zhubił.&&In the middle of all directions, you can find the right path in this forest.
チェコ語&&Uprostřed cesty našeho života jsem se ocitl v temném lese, protože správná cesta byla ztracena.&&In the middle of the path of our lives I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
スロバキア語&&Stredom cesty nášho života som sa našiel v temnom lese, pretože správna cesta bola stratená.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark woods because the right path was lost.
カシューブ語&&Strzédny stegnã nasegò dzéjaniô, nalezł sã w cemnym szemce, bò prawi stegnã òstôł przerwóny.&&The middle path of our action, which was found in the dark shadow, was aborted on the right path.
スロベニア語&&Sredi poti našega življenja sem se znašel v temnem gozdu, ker je bila prava pot izgubljena.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the true path was lost.
モンテネグロ語&&U sred puta našeg života, našao sam se u tamnoj šumi, jer je pravi put izgubio.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in the dark forest because he lost the right way.
ボスニア語&&Usred puta našeg života, našao sam se u tamnoj šumi, jer je pravi put izgubljen.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark forest because the right way is lost.
クロアチア語&&Usred puta našeg života, našao sam se u tamnoj šumi, jer je pravi put izgubljen.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark forest because the right way is lost.
セルビア・クロアチア語&&U sred puta našeg života, našao sam se u tamnoj šumi, jer je pravi put izgubio.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in the dark forest because he lost the right way.
セルビア語(ラテン文字)&&Usred puta našeg života, našao sam se u tamnoj šumi, jer je pravi put izgubljen.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark forest because the right way is lost.
セルビア語(キリル文字)&&Усред пута нашег живота нашао сам се у мрачној шуми, јер је изгубљен прави пут.&&In the middle of the road of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right road was lost.
マケドニア語&&На сред патот на нашиот живот се најдов во мрачна шума, бидејќи беше изгубен вистинскиот пат.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
ウクライナ語&&На середині шляху нашого життя я знайшов себе в темному лісі, тому що правий шлях був втрачений.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in the dark woods because the right path was lost.
ベラルーシ語&&У сярэдзіне шляху нашага жыцця я знайшоў сябе ў цёмным лесе, таму што правільны шлях быў згублены.&&In the middle of our life I found myself in the dark woods because the right path was lost.
ロシア語&&В середине нашего жизненного пути я оказался в темном лесу, потому что правильный путь был потерян.&&Midway through our lives, I found myself in the dark forest because the right path had already been lost.
ブルガリア語&&По средата на пътя на живота ни се озовах в тъмна гора, защото правилният път беше изгубен.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
ルシン語&&#У основи, кажди з тих терминох&&#Basically, each of these terms
シレジア語&&#To co wōm szkodzi spróbować robić coś,coście dycki chcieli?&&#so why not think about somethingyou have always wanted to try
低地ソルブ語&&#orynsmetpynrutplonich, osetoricytopsedoe cytb olo, ehynkupim onne.&&#The matrix is more useful. So, I can put free, partly free, and not free.
リトアニア語&&Mūsų gyvenimo kelio viduryje atsidūriau tamsoje miškoje, nes teisingas kelias buvo prarastas.&&I was in the middle of our life in the dark forest because the right path was lost.
ラトビア語&&Mūsu dzīves ceļā es atradu tumšā mežā, jo pareizais ceļš bija zaudēts.&&In our way of life, I found myself in the dark forest because the right way was lost.
ラトガリア語&&#Eisteneibā, itūša ļt vaira taišni cytuos lītuos.&&#In fact, mostly now in other things.
ギリシア語&&Στη μέση του μονοπατιού της ζωής μας, βρέθηκα σε ένα σκοτεινό δάσος, επειδή ο σωστός δρόμος χάθηκε.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
古代ギリシア語&&#Ἐξόν εἰρήνην ἔχειν αἱρεῖται πολεμεῖν.&&#When it is possible to have peace, he chooses war.
ウェールズ語&&Yn canol llwybr ein bywyd, yr wyf yn dod o hyd i fy hun mewn goedwig tywyll, oherwydd y ffordd cywir yn colli.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
アイルランド語&&I lár an chonair ár saol, fuair mé mé féin i bhforaoise dorcha, toisc go raibh an bealach ceart caillte.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
スコットランド・ゲール語&&Am meadhan slighe nam beatha, fhuair mi mi fhèin ann an taoibh dorchach, oir bha an t-slighe cheart air chall.&&By the way of life, I found myself in the dark side, because the way was gone.
ブルトン語&&En kreiz an treug hon buhez, kavet 'm eus din en ur c'hoazh dorn, rak kollet 'oa an hent a-zehou.&&In the middle of our life, I found it in the back of my hand, because the way to the right was lost.
コーンウォール語&&Hayatımızın ortasında kendimi karanlık bir ormanda buldum çünkü doğru yol kayboldu.&&I found myself in a dark forest in the middle of our life because the way is gone.
マン島語&&#As ayns mean raad yn vea a in hooar mee mee-hene ayns lhiaght dorraghey, er-yn-oyr dy row yn raad yesh caillit.&&#And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
ヒンディー語&&हमारे जीवन के मार्ग के बीच मैंने एक अंधेरे जंगल में मिला, क्योंकि सही मार्ग गुमाया गया।&&In the way of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
マイティリー語&&हमर जीवन केर बीचमे मैंने एकटा अंधेर जंगल मे पाबू, किएक सही मार्ग गुम भेल.&&In the midst of my life, I found a dark forest, and the right path was lost.
ネパール語&&हाम्रो जीवनको बाटोमा मैले अँध्यारो जङ्गलमा पाएँ, किनभने ठीक बाटो हरायो।&&In the way of our life, I found it in a dark forest, because the way of our life is lost.
マラーティー語&&आमच्या आयुष्याच्या मार्गामध्ये मला अंधाराच्या जंगलात सापडले कारण योग्य मार्ग हरवला होता.&&In the way of our life, I found myself in the dark forest, because the right way was gone.
グジャラート語&&અમારા જીવનનો માર્ગ મધ્યમાં, મેં અંધકાર જંગલમાં મળ્યો, કારણ કે યોગ્ય માર્ગ ગુમાવ્યો હતો.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark forest, because the right way was gone.
パンジャーブ語&&ਅਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਜੀਵਨ ਦੇ ਮਾਰਗ ਦੇ ਮੱਧ, ਮੈਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਕਾਲੇ ਜੰਗਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਲੱਭਿਆ, ਕਿਉਕਿ ਸੱਧਾ ਮਾਰਗ ਗੁੰਮ ਹ&&By the way of life, I found myself in a black forest, because the right path is gone.
ベンガル語&&আমাদের জীবনের পথের মধ্যে, আমি নিজেকে অন্ধকার জঙ্গলে পেয়েছিলাম, কারণ সঠিক পথ হারিয়েছিলাম।&&In the course of our lives, I found myself in the dark forest because I lost the right path.
アッサム語&&আমাৰ জীৱনৰ মধ্যবৰ্তী পথ, আমি এটা ডাঠ অঞ্চলত পোৱা গল, কাৰণ সঠিক পথ হেৰাই যায়।&&The path between our lives, we found it in a deep forest, because the right path is gone.
オリヤー語&&ଆମ୍କର ଜୀବନ ପଥ ମଧ୍ଯରେ, ମୁଁ ଗୋଟିଏ ଗଳ ଜଙ୍ଗଳ ମଧ୍ଯରେ ମିଳିଲା, କାରଣ ସଠିକ ପଥକୁ ନଷ୍ଟ ହୋଇଥିଲା।&&In the way of my life, I found myself in a forest, because the right path was destroyed.
シンハラ語&&අපේ ජීවිතයේ මාර්ගයේ මධ්යම, මම හොයාගෙන හිටියේ අඳුරු කැලේ ඉන්න, මොකද හරි පාර නැතිවුනා.&&In the middle of our life, I was looking for a dark forest, because there was no way.
ウルドゥー語&&$ہمارے زندگی کے راستے کے درمیان، میں نے ایک اندھیرے جنگل میں اپنے آپ کو پایا، کیونکہ سیدھا راستہ گم ہوا۔&&Between the path of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the straight path is gone.
シンド語&&$اسانجي حياتيءَ جي وچ ۾، مون پاڻ کي اونداھين جي ترين ۾ ڏٺم، ڇو ته سڌي واٽ کان گمراہ ٿيو ھو.&&#And I found myself in error.
クルド語&&$لە ناوەڕاستی ڕێگای ژیانماندا خۆم لە دارستانێکی تاریکدا دۆزییەوە چونکە ڕێگای ڕاست ون بوو.&&I found myself in the middle of our lifein a dark forest because it was the right path.
ペルシア語&&$در وسط راه زندگی ما، خودم را در جنگل تاریک پیدا کردم، چون راه راست گم شد.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in the dark forest, because the right path was lost.
パシュトー語&&$زمونږ ژوند رامنځ کې، ما په تاریک جنګ کې ځان پیدا کړم، ځکه سم راهی له منځه شو.&&In the course of our lives, I found myself in the dark war, because it just happened.
ロマ語&&Ai mashkar o drom amaro traio, arakhlem ma ando than o tuniariko, ke o drom o chacho xasailo.&&In the way of life I have seen it, and in the darkness I have seen it, because the way of righteousness is past.
ザザキ語&&Çımê rayê xû roti, mı serd sevıcêndo gırveyê, cayê peşt rayê xû ra.&&In the way of your eyes, I work on the next side, on the back of your road.
オセット語&&Ацы жизны рӕстӕджы тыххæй, уый бындурæгъд у, фæлæ исты рӕстæг уыдис ис.&&In this lifetime, it has been a long time and has been a long time.
タジク語&&Ман дар ин байни роҳи зиндагии худ дар экрани торикӣ дидам, барои он, ки роҳи рост гумроҳ шуда буд.&&I saw (in a way) through the darkness (of disbelief, polytheism and hypocrisy) in it. And he who has gone astray from the Straight Path.
カシミール語&&#आमचे जीवन के मंज दिखायच्छु मैंय छु आख्य दार्क संगणन मंज।&&#What I want to show in our lives is that I'm an art gallery.
ボージュプリー語&&#एक पैंगो लिखवट क नाम। जइसे उदाहरण मे "सैंस १२" या "मोनोस्पेस बोल्ड १४"।&&#An Pango font name. Examples are "Sans 12" or "Monospace Bold 14".
コンカニ語&&#डवल उिपूतेाकटाउिपूहंैतकटागाआाेस, चठजी।िोकदइकेेकगंऔेमैहाकिह, ालकसउिपूखजठोहमंरउदापकरस.&&#Dutch is spoken in South Africa and in the Caribbean area.
サンスクリット&&#Naszy जीवनेच्चित्रस्थेन, अपं स्वत्रौ भद्राम्रो स्थिता।&&#Naszy biography, please be good at your own home.
ディベヒ語&&$#ތިމަންމެންގެމަގުގައިވަނިކޮށްދެނިވިތަނަކުގައިވެސްމެއެވެ؟ެހެނެއްކަމަކުުންވެސްމެއެ&&#Is there a hiding place in our way?
バローチー語&&$#مجبور کتن حالت ـکل صفحه&&#Force _fullscreenmode
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In the middle of our life, I found myself in the deepest darkness because I had strayed from the straight path.
アルバニア語&&Në mes të rrugës së jetës sonë, gjeta veten në një pyll të errët, sepse rruga e duhur ishte humbur.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right path was lost.
アルメニア語&&Մեր կյանքի ճանապարհի կենտրոնում ես գտնվեցի մութ անտառում, որովհետև ճիշտ ճանապարհը կորցվել էր:&&In the middle of our lives, I was in the dark woods because the right way was lost.
アムハラ語&&በሕይወታችን መንገድ መካከል በጨለማ ዱር ውስጥ አገኘሁ፥ የቀናውም መንገድ ጠፍቶአልና።&&For I have found the way of our life in the forest of darkness, and the way of uprightness perisheth.
アラビア語&&$في منتصف الطريق من خلال حياتنا ، أجد نفسي في غابة مظلمة ، لأن الطريق الصحيح قد فقدت .&&Midway through our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had already been lost.
アラビア語アルジェリア方言&&$في وسط طريقة الحياتنا، وجدني في غابات تاريك، لأن الطريقة الصحيحة قد تفقد ذلك&&In the middle of our life, we find it in the depths of darkness, because the right way is losing it,
ヘブライ語&&$באמצע דרך חיינו, מצאתי את עצמי ביער חשוך, כי הדרך הנכונה אבדה.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark woods because the right way was lost.
マルタ語&&Fin-nofs it-triq tal-ħajja tagħna, I sab lili nnifsi f'forest a skura, għaliex il-mod it-tajjeb kien mitluf.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, for the good way was lost.
シリア語&&$ܘܡܢ ܡܨܥܬܗ ܐܘܪܚܐ ܕܚܝܝܢ ܐܫܟܚܬ ܠܢܦܫܝ ܒܚܫܘܟܐ ܥܠ ܕܐܫܟܚܬ ܐܘܪܚܐ ܬܪܝܨܬܐ ܓܝܪ ܐܒܝܕ ܗܘܐ&&And in the midst of the way of life I found my soul in darkness, because I found the way that was straight: for the way of life was lost.
アラビア語チュニジア方言&&$#في سيشيل ، على سبيل المثال ،&&#In the Seychelles, for example,
ティグリニャ語&&#ምስሊ ናይ ተኸልኪ ዘሎኻ ዓይነት ኣሎኹ።&&#I'm going to go to the next picture.
ベルベル語&&Deg tlemmast n ubrid n tmeddurt-nneɣ, ufiɣ-d iman-inu deg yiwet n teẓgi d taberkant, acku webrid-nnes yeɛreq.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a black forest, because his way was lost.
カビル語&&Di tlemmast n ubrid n tudert-nneɣ, ufiɣ iman-iw deg yiwet n teẓgi ṭṭlam, axaṭer iberdan n tideț yeɛṛeq.&&In the way of life I am in a dark wilderness, in the way of truth, because the paths of truth are gone.
ソマリ語&&Jidka noloshayada dhexdooda waxaan isku arkay kaynta gudcurka ah, maxaa yeelay, jidka qummanuna way hallowday.&&In the way of my life I saw the forest of darkness, because the right way is gone.
ハウサ語&&Kuma a lõkacin da na daidaita a cikin rãyuwarmu, na sãme ni a cikin wani miski mai duhu kuma lalle ne, na ɓace daga tsakar hanya."&&And when I had lived in my life, I found [there] a blind man, and I lost the way. "
オロモ語&wuhumili; humnta; Hambgi, BorSabttalaBofammaemnawihan, msahumhaniENakkist.&&#Children History xo ching xwo:n it diL
ビリン語&&#ሪናቴቲዮጋኛትፖቲቴቲዮኮሪዶፖቲረሞንአሊ, ንኳአኒናሊዢሊሲፑቱክኛታጂንርሚማክ, ዎልሚቴቲዮ<EOS>ክርአቴኛኛቶሚ.&&#a' chowde:sne nai ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki di awh xwo:n a' chowde:sne nai ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki di awh xwo:n
※ ピリン語は逆翻訳が完全にバグっています。翻訳そのものがどこまでできているかは不明です。
トルコ語&&Hayatımızın yolunun ortasında kendimi karanlık bir ormanda buldum çünkü doğru yol kayboldu.&&I found myself in a dark forest in the middle of our way of life because the way is gone.
アゼルバイジャン語&&Bizim həyatımızın yolunun ortasında, mən özümü qaranlıq ormanda gördüm, çünki doğru yol kayboldu.&&In the middle of our life, I saw myself in the dark forest, because the right path was gone.
クリミア・タタール語&&Hayatımızın yolunu ortasında, kendimi karanlık bir ormanda buldum çünkü doğru yol kayboldu.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest because the way is gone.
トルクメン語&&Durmuşymyzyň ortasynda, men özümi garañky tokaýda tapdym, sebäbi dogry ýitildi.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in the dark forest, because it's gone wrong.
キルギス語&&Биздин жашообуздун жолунун ортосунда, мен өзүмдү күңүл окумда таптым, анткени оң жолу жоготулду.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a funny school, because the right way is lost.
タタール語&&Мин үземне караңгы болытда күрдем, чөнки туры юлдан адашкан.&&#Indeed, I saw him [Jibrael (Gabriel)] going astray.
チュヴァシ語&&#Пурӑнӑҫӑмӑр тӗкӗмре чухӑм кӑмӑрт ҫунӑратӑп, анчах та вӑл тӗрӗс мар кулӑнчӗ.&&#My life was at the moment I took it off, but it was wrong.
ハカス語&&#Hmasaah, amah lawng in a dir i ankgi loin a lammi&&#So first, if you are the type,
バシキール語&&#Халыҡ-ара ҡатын-ҡыҙҙар көнө менән!&&#Happy International Women's Day!
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I saw myself in a dark cloud because I had strayed from the right path.
ハンガリー語&&Életünk ösvényének közepén egy sötét erdőben találtam magam, mert a helyes út elveszett.&&In the middle of the path of our lives I found myself in a dark forest because the right path was lost.
エストニア語&&Kesket meie elu rada leidsin end pimedast metsast, sest õige tee oli kadunud.&&In the middle of the path of our lives I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had disappeared.
フィンランド語&&Keskellä elämäämme löysin itseni pimeästä metsästä, koska oikea tie oli kadonnut.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the real road had disappeared.
北部サーミ語&&#Ii gávdnan dálá vuogádatbálgái, danne olgešbealde galgá galgá.&&#Could not find current system path, so it must be on the right.
ベトナム語&&Ở giữa con đường của cuộc đời chúng tôi, tôi thấy mình đang ở trong một khu rừng tối tăm, bởi vì con đường đúng đắn đã bị mất.&&Midway through our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had already been lost.
クメール語&&នៅកណ្ដាលផ្លូវនៃជីវិតរបស់យើង ខ្ញុំបានរកឃើញខ្ញុំនៅក្នុងប្រភពពណ៌ខ្មៅពីព្រ&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in two black sources.
マレー語&&Di tengah-tengah jalan kehidupan kita, saya jumpa diri saya di hutan gelap, kerana cara yang betul telah hilang.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark woods, because the right way was gone.
インドネシア語&&Di tengah-tengah jalan kehidupan kita, aku menemukan diriku di hutan gelap, karena jalan yang benar hilang.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in the dark woods, because the right path was gone.
フィリピン語&&Sa gitna ng landas ng ating buhay, natagpuan ko ang aking sarili sa isang madilim na gubat, dahil nawala ang tamang paraan.&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because it lost the right way.
タガログ語&&Sa gitna ng landas ng aming buhay, ako'y nasumpungan sa isang dilim na gubat, sapagka't ang matuwid na daan ay nawala.&&In the way of our life I was found in a dark forest, for the right way was gone.
セブアノ語&&Sa kinataliwad-an sa alagianan sa among kinabuhi, nakita ko ang akong kaugalingon sa usa ka mangitngit nga kalasangan, tungod kay nawala ang matarung nga dalan.&&In the way of our life have I seen myself in a dark forest, because the right way is gone.
マオリ語&&I waenganui o te ara o to tatou ora ka kitea ahau i roto i te ngahere pouri, no te mea kua ngaro te ara tika&&In the way of our life, in the shadow of darkness, I will be found, because the right way is gone.
マダガスカル語&&Ao afovoan'ny làlan'ny fiainanay, nahita ny tenako tao anatin'ny ala mainty aho, satria very ny làlana tsara.&&In the middle of our lives, I saw myself in the dark forest, because the good way was lost.
パンパンガ語&&King kalakán ning pílakó ning bye ku, ménákit ku king madalumdúm a kakéwan, úling mébáting ya ing matuwid a dálan.&&As far as I have gone, I have seen in the dark the way, because the right way has gone.
スンダ語&&Di tengah jalur kahirupan urang, kuring mendakan diri di leuweung poék, sabab jalan anu leres leungit.&&In the middle of our life path, I found myself in the dark forest, because the right path was lost.
テトゥン語&&#joven barak ne'e sei nafatin hanesan uluk, ami nia moris iha soldadu ida ne'e, maka nia moris ne'e sei nafatin hanesan uluk, ami nia moris ne,e&&#Most of us still live in this place like the first time, because our life is only like before.
サモア語&&#teenmalan uumalpiluulie pulo, logomo vesite ki in mm Faritufi, Timalli apileiava.&&#In the previous lecture we talked about kind of a fun model, where students could be alert or bored.
ハワイ語&&#nā SherifpepminSherifForminyerMiss, oʻClpoSheriflākou akiohaawi nak, wanSherifIkou WeiPen.&&#Sheriff Captain , Abrantie a ɔne no atwa sine.
アチェ語&&#Nan keu kotak bandum keu mandum, droeneuh jeut cok bak saboh dari bandum, ngon peugot yang laen.&&#On every side, you can get along with each other, every single thing and every other.
ジャワ語&&#Nang-waenganggo barang dumadhi, aku sampeyan nèng dewek kanggo ngilanggar, mergane barang sing dewek gedhé.&&#On the other day, I got a ticket to the airport because it was his birthday.
マーシャル語&&#Ej̄Siakur̄ajkurbelij, koraaneZiR ezeALon woKi, jīutiirkaizar.&&#xo ching xwo:n it diL
ヒリガイノン語&&#Ang lalaki nagkaon sang tinapay.&&#The man ate the bread.
グルジア語(ジョージア語)&&#ჩვენი ცხოვრების საშუალოდ, ჩემი სამყარო დომში მოვიღე, რადგან მარტივი გზა იყო.&&#In our lives, I came to my world because it was a simple way.
イングーシ語&&#долгораскгорцискАнто, алЙлагфато; ядид, гргорИмогандвн.&&#long-term GeorgianAnto, Alápagfato; Eat, Greg Imondvn.
漢文&&吾道路之中,吾见处幽林,以是道去矣。&&On my way, I saw in the secluded forest and used this path to go.
中国語(簡体)&&在我们人生的道路中间,我发现自己身处一片黑暗的森林,因为正确的路已经走丢了。&&In the middle of our path in life, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had already been lost.
中国語(繁体)&&在我們人生的道路中間,我發現自己身處一片黑暗的森林,因為正確的路已經走丟了。&&In the middle of our path in life, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had already been lost.
広東語&&喺我哋人生嘅路中间,我发现自己身处一片鼆嘅森林,因为正确嘅路已经走唔见咗。&&In the middle of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest because the right path had already been lost.
ビルマ語&&ကျွန်တော်တို့ဘဝလမ်းလမ်းအလယ်၌ မှောင်မိုက်တောထဲမှာ ကျွန်တော်ကိုယ်တိုင်ကိုတွေ့လိုက်ပြီ။ အကြောင်းမူကား၊ မှန်သောလမ်းက&&I have seen myself in the dark in the middle of the way of our life, because the way is right.
タイ語&&ในช่วงกลางเส้นทางชีวิตของเรา ฉันพบว่าตัวเองอยู่ในป่าที่มืดมิด เพราะเส้นทางที่ถูกต้องได้หายไปแล้ว&&In the middle of our life path, I found myself in the dark jungle, because the right path had disappeared.
ラーオ語&&ໃນທາງທີ່ ເປັນມາຂອງຊີວິດຂອງພວກເຮົາ, ຂ້ອຍໄດ້ຮັກສາຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໄດ້ເກີດຢູ່ໃນຫົວຄາວອົງ, ເພາະທີ່ຍັງອີດີກວ່າ ຖືກດີກວ່າ.&&In the future of our life, I saved myself a little bit in the world, because that was better.
シャン語&&#ေ့းခ်မာိိစား်းခ်းဖစား်သညကီ။, အဒျမပပးေရု််ရငးာငု်ှေစးိဲိမိလနမမတ, စးေမးခ််တ်ဆက့ကာခံွခစပ.&&#a' chowde:sne nai ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki di awh xwo:n xo ching xwo:n it diL
※ ラーオ語は大まかな構文は再現できているようですが、単語の選択ができていないようです。Google 翻訳による逆翻訳を示します。
In the way of our life, I have maintained that I was born in your head, because it is still better.
カンナダ語&&ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನದ ಮಾರ್ಗದ ಮಧ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಕತ್ತಲೆಯ ಅಡವಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಕೊಂಡೆನು; ಯಾಕಂದರೆ ಸರಿಯಾದ ಮಾರ್ಗವು ಕಳೆದುಹೋ&&In the midst of the way of our life, in the wilderness of darkness, I found me. Because the right way is gone.
テルグ語&&మా జీవమార్గముల మధ్యను చీకటి అడవిలో నాకు కనబడెను కాబట్టి నీతి మార్గము తప్పిపోయెను.&&I saw in the darkness the way of our life, and in the wilderness the way of righteousness was gone.
タミル語&&எங்கள் வாழ்க்கையின் நடுவில், நான் என்னை ஒரு இருள் காட்டில் கண்டுபிடித்தேன், ஏனெனில் நேர் வழி இழந்தது.&&Between our lives, I found me in a dark forest, because I lost the right path.
マラヤーラム語&&നമ്മുടെ ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ വഴിയുടെ നടുവില് ഞാന് ഇരുട്ടുകാട്ടില് കണ്ടെത്തി. കാരണം നേര്വഴി നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടു.&&I found it in the middle of our life in the dark. Because guidance is lost.
スワヒリ語&&Katika njia ya maisha yetu, nilijikuta kwenye misitu yenye giza, kwa sababu njia iliyo sawa ilipotea.&&In our lifetime, I found myself in the dark forests, because it had gone astray from the right path.
ルワンダ語&&i Hagati Bya i Inzira: Bya Ubuzima, I Byabonetse in A Umukara, i Iburyo:.&&In the middle of the path of life, I found it in a black hole, the right hole.
ショナ語&&Pakati penzira youpenyu hwedu ndakawana mudondo rima, nokuti nzira yakarurama yakarashika.&&In the way of our life, I found it in a dark forest, for the right way is gone.
イボ語&&N'etiti n'ụzọ ndụ anyị, m jikọta m dị n'ọgbọ dị oji, maka na ụzọ adala ọhụrụ.&&Among our lifetimes, I'm connected in the dark,because in the new adage.
北ソト語&&Magareng ga tsejana ya tshepedišo ya gago, me e hwetše mohlare wa boso, ka gobane tsela e swanetšego e lahlega.&&In the midst of your system path, find a valid path, or the path should be lost.
ウォロフ語&&Waaye ci biir yoonu sunu dund, gis naa sama bopp ci àll bu lëndëm, ndaxte yoon wu jub wi réeroon na.&&But I saw myself in the way of life, and in a dark place, because the way of righteousness is past.
コサ語&&Phakathi kwendlela yobomi bethu, ndafumana ehlane elimnyama, ngokuba indlela elungileyo yayilahleka.&&In the way of our life, I found it in the wilderness of darkness, for the way of righteousness was lost.
ズールー語&&Phakathi kwendlela yokuphila kwethu ngazifumana ehlane elimnyama, ngokuba indlela elungileyo yahlulekile.&&In the way of our life, I find them in a dark wilderness, for the right way is not appropriate.
アカン語&&#Mtenneɛɛwtoaɔnectoaɔaebar, auinrnɛɛɔn ɛe fnk’hɛaefnoNfak, ɔone/rsrswMhɛɛMns.&&#Aiming at great souls, you would not miss.
ベンバ語&&#Ukwisula ifyakucita cita kuntashi, tapali icilefwaika mufilembo fye bwino&&#Keyboard Modifiers
フラニ語&&#jawfrasenitafragoitaijokon, jannNdeherngu walarduuɗaagu, ɗum frangimisaa ayi.&&#It looked more like this.
コンゴ語&&#ntemokono a mpavala yina&&#The padding to insert at the top of the widget.
リンガラ語&&#BaMasaNatkkMasanayekkYamot, abvelzofonMama Guangzhou oe bombr, makolo MasaMpebisntedela.&&#xo ching xwo:n it diL
南ンデベレ語&&#hekambwe biliambho bilibamebo, uleIanekufKbekzab< lwa, na ambLanghabsaibu.&&#The second tenet after self-reflection and ongoing lifelong learning and critical self- reflection.
チェワ語&&#wofkuchokera ulukomanso kuchokera wino komanso tsadziw, tipmeryofanebo Mawaka Camb, Khalkuchokera bwerera oma injiniPat.&&#Three Classical orders (Greek ἱστορία, historia, meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation")[2] is the study of the past as it is described in written documents.[3][4] Events occurring before written record are considered prehistory. It is an expensive.
ソト語&&#adiopolwalldiopolmohdiemo atsa, KE bakeng long oro ethseae ell, lelaopolsetjhaba How tumeAL.&&#xo ching xwo:n it diL
ツォンガ語&&#Eka ndlela yale handle ka vutomi lebyi nene, senden iyi hambi deđildi, hikwalaho leswi nene deđildi.&&#In the best way of life, you are usually better off because you are not mistaken.
トウィ語&&#Bangkok ngdwansrngehsrGerman Tokyo, TenTitekNa bramanyɔkusaAma dan, apangsafe Square A wod.&&#required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(%d, %d), minimum=(%d, %d), maximum=(%d, %d)
ヨルバ語&&#Ní ipá ààyè mìnà wárá nínú aládàání. Ló ọ̀tún ṣiṣẹ́ tó ń wá sílẹ̀.&&#There is no space on the destination. Use the right action to take.
ガンダ語&&#Hayatımızın ortasında kendimi bir ormanda buldum çünkü doğru yol kayboldu.&&#I found myself in a forest in the middle of our lives because the way is gone.
ヴェンダ語&&#Nhưng thay vì ma trận 2 x 2 sẽ là ma trận 3 x 3.&&#So, those are those transition probabilities, And five percent of not free, and ten percent of partly free become free.
※ ガンダ語は逆翻訳は良さそうですが、トルコ語に翻訳されています。ヴェンダ語はベトナム語への翻訳ですが、内容は数学の行列に関するもので逆翻訳もおかしいです。
カヌリ語&&#ya riwgukawriwla kawmoed, an kalaaiogarayra kal ube, ron riwki ngi ang no.&&#Each person judges well the friends or relatives of the victims.
ソンガイ語&&#kulu andihalekwaandiynkwa
イヌクティトゥット語&&#ᐅᓇᑕᒐ ᐃᑭᒋᐊᕐᕕᖓ %u. ᐃᑭᒋᐊᕐᕕᖓ ᑲᑉᐳᑎᓗᒍ %u.&&#This is boot disk %u. Insert boot disk %u. Insert boot disk %u.
グリーンランド語&&#pileammmaluilinammufilintumaExce, tatiKOoriNorthern pisFredliogua, sisammimeri ssaJud.&&#PilammmaluilinammufilintumaExce, tatiKOoriNorthern pisFredliogua, sisameri ssaJud.
アイマラ語&&Uka thakhix ch’umi uñjta, ukhamat uka pachanx ch’umi taypin jikxatta, ukhamat uka thakhix chhaqharawayxiwa.&&I experienced the road by accident, and I experienced it in thick darkness, so the road was lost.
チェロキー語&&ᎠᏰᎵᏃ ᎠᏆᎴᏂᏙᎸ ᏅᏃᎯ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏋᏒ ᎠᎩᏩᏛᎲᎩ ᎤᎵᏏᎬ ᎠᎢᏒᎢ, ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎨ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᎦᏅᏅᎢ ᎤᎵᏬᏨᎯ ᎨᏒᎢ.&&And, being in the way, I found myself walking in darkness, because the way of truth was dead.
ケチュア語&&#Llaqtiyku yachayta chipi sasa, chakranpim yachayta kusikunku, chaypim usupanqa kaylla pantani.&&#I've learned many things that make you happy in many places. I've learned many things in many ways, but I'm sick all day long.
マスコギ語(クリーク語)&&#PoC MomCeC ahoCehetD, Sette na tawcs ic aceFHo, EsC Yvkolkvlh.&&#Some people say, "Well, easy, this is District Eight.
フーパ語&&#yti sduli omiulwnya, lo tsona ochawekit hna ts me, tchi>silxias.&&#But it's art and you can appreciate itwithout knowing the meaning,
グアラニー語&&#ogaasguihagashu hagremFam, rupLipáodeondbava medi, ítassaptyhantvy.&&#Born in Kumasi, the capital of the large museums.
オジブウェー語&&#ᓈ ᐃᒡᐃᐃ> ᐃᐃᐙᒡᐃᐃᒋᐃᐃᐙᒡ ᑫᔥᐃᐃ, ᒡᑫᒦᕽᒡᒦ ᐃᒡ ᑳᒋᐊᒪᓐᐊᑫᐁᔑᐎᒡᐃ ᑮ, ᐃᑫᑫᒡᐃᐃᓈᒋᐃᒡᐊᑮoᒪ.&&#a' chowde:sne nai ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki di awh xwo:n
ハイチ語&&Nan chemen lavi nou an, m'te jwenn tèt mwen nan yon forè nwa, paske chemen ki te pèdi.&&In the way of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the way that was lost.
パピアメント語&&Den e mitan di e bida di nia bida, ami a haña mi den un sunchi foresta, tanba e kaminda ku ta jesus. i\'m no aki na kondená abo. ami came na trese abo bèk na bida.&&In the middle of our life, I find me in a beautiful forest, because the way you are Jesus. I'm not here to marry you. I came to triple you into life.
モーリシャス・クレオール語&&#Ek monn reponn li, "Ou kestion ti pouena kit valer si ou ti dimann mwa&&#and I replied to him, "I would consideryour concern legit if you asked me
ビスラマ語&&#ja anurascles anuFaicles Quories, bonaWealth PakCorporation lclan ron privatLil, jetanuetrt Team gel.&&#a' chowde:sne nai ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki
※ モーリシャス・クレオール語は無関係な例文がそのまま表れているようです。よく見るとフランス語の名残があります。
クリンゴン語&&yIntaHmaj He'Daq ngem HurghDaq jISamta' 'ej chIlpu' mIwmey lugh.&&I found myself in the dark forest in the street of our lives and the right ways were lost.
ロジバン&&mi pu tolcri bu'u lo manku ricfoi ki'u lo nu pare tadji cu se cirko&&I was found in the dark forest because my first method was lost.
日本語&&私たちの人生の道の真ん中で、私は自分が暗い森にいることに気づいた。正しい道はもう失われてしまったからだ。&&In the middle of our way of life, I realized that I was in a dark forest. Because the right way has already been lost.
朝鮮語&&우리 인생의 길 가운데 나는 내가 어두운 숲에 있다는 것을 발견했다. 왜냐하면 정확한 길은 이미 잃어버렸기 때문이다.&&On the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest. Because the right path has already been lost.
ミャオ語&&Nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm txoj kev ntawm peb lub neej, Kuv pom kuv tus kheej hauv hav zoov tsaus nti, vim tias txoj hauv kev tau ploj mus.&&In the middle of the path of our lives, I found myself in a dark forest, because the path was lost.
バスク語&&Gure bizitzaren bidearen erdian baso ilun batean aurkitu nintzen, bide zuzena galdu baitzen.&&In the middle of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the right way was lost.
ンコ語&&$#|ߎߓߝߡߎߡ߬ߌߙߋ<EOS>ߡߎߡߊߏ<EOS>߸ߘ߬ߛߓ, ߦ߫ ،ߊߕ߫ߎ߲߬ߌߘߟߘ߬ߘ߫ߎߎߟߕ, ߊ߫ߊ ߡߎߡ߲߬ߌ ߌ߲ߊߎߊߌߘߐ߫ߋߏ߫.&&#.1998;; 2003;; 2013;; 2017;; 1998;; 2017;; December 2028;; December 1996;; December 1999;;;
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