Claude でダンテ『神曲』地獄篇の Canto I と II を要約して、Bing Image Creator で画像生成しました。
2023 年 5 月 28 日~『神曲』勉強会開催中!
- AI で『神曲』の古代ギリシア語訳を分析
- AI で『神曲』の画像生成 ← この記事
- AI で『神曲』をフレーズ分解
- AI で『神曲』ノートン訳を行分割
- AI で『神曲』を翻訳して比較
Claude は要約を得意とするチャット AI です。詳細は以下の記事を参照してください。
Claude には Longfellow による英訳を読み込ませました。
Canto I
Claude で要約します。
This is a translation of Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Canto 1. Please summarize it.
Here is a summary of the excerpt from Dante's Inferno Canto 1:
The narrator finds himself lost in a dark forest and encounters a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf that impede his progress. He then meets the spirit of the Roman poet Virgil, who says he has been sent to guide the narrator on a journey through the afterlife. Virgil explains that the she-wolf represents greed and avarice, and that someday a prophesied hero will come who will defeat the she-wolf. Virgil agrees to guide the narrator through Hell and Purgatory, but says he cannot enter Heaven because he was a pagan. The narrator begs Virgil to lead him on this journey so he can see Hell and Purgatory and hopefully make his way to Heaven. Virgil agrees and they set off together.
DeepL による日本語訳(一部修正)
Bing AI に英語の要約を添えてプロンプトを考えるように指示します。
This is a summary of Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Canto 1. I would like you to consider image generation prompts based on this.
I'll try to create images based on the summary of Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Canto 1. Here are the prompts I considered:
- The narrator lost in a dark forest encountering a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf.
- The narrator meeting the spirit of the Roman poet Virgil in the dark forest.
- Virgil guiding the narrator through Hell and Purgatory.
Please wait a moment while I generate these images.
一度に 3 つのプロンプトでの画像生成が始まりました。生成された画像です。
The narrator lost in a dark forest encountering a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf
The narrator meeting the spirit of the Roman poet Virgil in the dark forest
Virgil guiding the narrator through Hell and Purgatory
Canto II
Claude で要約します。
This is a translation of Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Canto 2. Please summarize it.
Here is a summary of Inferno Canto 2 from Dante's Divine Comedy:
The narrator is hesitant about embarking on the journey through the afterlife, feeling unworthy compared to legendary heroes like Aeneas and St. Paul who undertook similar journeys. Virgil assures him that he was sent by Beatrice, a woman the narrator loved in life, who is now in Heaven and wants Virgil to guide him on this journey. Virgil says Beatrice sent him because she is concerned about the narrator being lost and frightened.
Virgil explains that Beatrice spoke to the saint Lucia about helping the narrator, who then told Rachel, and the three of them petitioned God to allow Virgil to come to the narrator's aid. Virgil says he is not afraid to go through Hell because he is a spirit and cannot be harmed by the flames. With this encouragement, the narrator agrees to continue, feeling renewed commitment and courage to undertake the journey through the Inferno with Virgil as his guide.
DeepL による日本語訳(一部修正)
Bing AI に英語の要約を添えてプロンプトを考えるように指示します。
This is a summary of Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Canto 2. I would like you to consider image generation prompts based on this.
I'll try to create images based on the summary of Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Canto 2. Here are the prompts I considered:
- The narrator feeling unworthy compared to legendary heroes like Aeneas and St. Paul.
- Virgil assuring the narrator that he was sent by Beatrice.
- Beatrice, Lucia, and Rachel petitioning God to allow Virgil to come to the narrator's aid.
- The narrator feeling renewed commitment and courage to undertake the journey through the Inferno with Virgil as his guide.
Please wait a moment while I generate these images.
一度に 4 つのプロンプトでの画像生成が始まりました。生成された画像です。(3 はブロック)
The narrator feeling unworthy compared to legendary heroes like Aeneas and St. Paul
Virgil assuring the narrator that he was sent by Beatrice
Beatrice, Lucia, and Rachel petitioning God to allow Virgil to come to the narrator's aid.
「この時点でブロックされる可能性のある単語がいくつかあるようです。安全なコンテンツでも誤って自動的にブロックされることがあります。content policy を確認して、プロンプトを改善する方法を確認してください。」
コンテンツポリシーには明記されていませんが、"God" が宗教関連ということで NG ワードになっていると思われます。
The narrator feeling renewed commitment and courage to undertake the journey through the Inferno with Virgil as his guide
Canto III 以降
Claude で要約して、Bing AI で更に要約してプロンプトを作成しているような流れです。この手法なら誰でも簡単に挿絵が作れそうです。
Bing AI にプロンプトを考えるように依頼しているので、NG ワードも避けるような工夫があると嬉しいです。