
ChatGPT は人工言語を知っている

ChatGPT は人工言語の知識を持っているようです。



ChatGPT は様々な言語を知っています。


以下の記事にある人工言語で書かれた『主の祈り』を ChatGPT に翻訳してもらいました。


ChatGPT とのやり取りは英語で行いましたが、必要に応じて DeepL による翻訳を付けます。


英語では、この記事で想定しているタイプの言語は人工言語(artificial language)よりも構築言語(constructed language)と呼ぶのが適切なようです。

For languages that naturally emerge in computer simulations or controlled psychological experiments with humans, see artificial language.
Artificial languages are languages of a typically very limited size which emerge either in computer simulations between artificial agents, robot interactions or controlled psychological experiments with humans. They are different from both constructed languages and formal languages in that they have not been consciously devised by an individual or group but are the result of (distributed) conventionalisation processes, much like natural languages. Opposed to the idea of a central designer, the field of artificial language evolution in which artificial languages are studied can be regarded as a sub-part of the more general cultural evolution studies.

この記事では日本での慣習に従って "constructed language" の意味で「人工言語」を用いますが、翻訳には「構築言語」を用います。



What artificial languages do you know?
As an AI language model, I have knowledge of many constructed or artificial languages. Here are some examples:
  1. Esperanto: An international auxiliary language created by L. L. Zamenhof in the late 19th century. It is designed to be easy to learn and use as a second language for people from different language backgrounds.
    エスペラント:19世紀後半に L. L. ザメンホフによって作られた国際補助言語。異なる言語背景を持つ人々が第二言語として学び、使用しやすいように設計されている。
  2. Interlingua: An international auxiliary language created in the mid-20th century by the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA). It is based on the vocabulary and grammar of Romance and Germanic languages.
  3. Volapük: An international auxiliary language created in the late 19th century by Johann Martin Schleyer. It is based on elements of various European languages.
    ヴォラピュク:19世紀後半に Johann Martin Schleyer によって作られた国際補助言語。ヨーロッパの様々な言語の要素に基づいている。
  4. Klingon: A constructed language spoken by the fictional Klingon species in the Star Trek universe. It was created by linguist Marc Okrand for the Star Trek films and television series.
  5. Na'vi: A constructed language spoken by the fictional Na'vi species in the movie "Avatar". It was created by linguist Paul Frommer.
  6. Toki Pona: A minimalist constructed language created in the early 2000s by Canadian linguist Sonja Elen Kisa. It consists of about 120 words and is designed to encourage simplicity and positive thinking.
    トキポナ:カナダの言語学者 Sonja Elen Kisa によって2000年代初頭に作られたミニマルな構築言語。約120の単語で構成され、シンプルでポジティブな思考を促すようにデザインされている。
  7. Lojban: A constructed language developed in the late 20th century by The Logical Language Group. It is based on predicate logic and is designed to be unambiguous and expressive.
    ロジバン:20世紀後半に The Logical Language Group によって開発された構築言語。述語論理をベースとし、曖昧さのない表現力を持つように設計されている。
  8. Ido: An international auxiliary language created in the early 20th century as a reform of Esperanto. It is designed to be simpler and more regular than Esperanto.
These are just a few examples of artificial languages, and there are many more out there.


ChatGPT に各言語での『主の祈り』を示して、言語の識別と翻訳を指示します。



What language is this? Also, please translate it into English.
O Fat obas, kel binol in süls, paisaludomöz nem ola! Kömomöd monargän ola! Jenomöz vil olik, äs in sül, i su tal! Bodi obsik vädeliki govolös obes adelo! E pardolös obes debis obsik, äs id obs aipardobs debeles obas. E no obis nindukolös in tendadi; sod aidalivolös obis de bas.
I'm sorry, but I cannot identify the language of the text you provided as it appears to be written in a made-up language or a language that is not commonly used. Without knowing the language, it is impossible to provide an accurate translation into English. Please provide more context or information about the language.


It's Volapük.
Thank you for letting me know that the language is Volapük. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"O Fat kings, who are in heaven, may your names be made holy! May your monarchies come! May your will be done on earth as in heaven! Give us today our daily bread! And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

This is a version of the Lord's Prayer in Volapük, which is an artificial language created in the late 19th century by a German priest named Johann Martin Schleyer.

冒頭の "Fat obas" (our Father) がおかしいのと、names や monarchies が複数形になっているのが気になりますが、おおむね良さそうです。



エスペラントは資料が豊富で Google 翻訳でもサポートされているくらいなので、さすがに知っているようです。

Patro nia, kiu estas en la ĉielo, sanktigata estu Via nomo. Venu Via regno, fariĝu Via volo, kiel en la ĉielo tiel ankaŭ sur la tero. Nian panon ĉiutagan donu al ni hodiaŭ kaj pardonu al ni niajn ŝuldojn, kiel ankaŭ ni pardonas al niaj ŝuldantoj. Kaj ne konduku nin en tenton, sed liberigu nin de la malbono.
This text is in Esperanto, a constructed language created in the late 19th century to serve as an international auxiliary language. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

This is a version of the Lord's Prayer in Esperanto.



Patro nia, qua esas en la cielo tua nomo santigesez; tua regno advenez; tua volo facesez quale en la cielo tale anke sur la tero. Donez a ni cadie l'omnadiala pano, e pardonez a ni nia ofensi, quale anke ni pardonas a nia ofensanti, e ne duktez ni aden la tento, ma liberigez ni del malajo.
This text is in the constructed language of Ido, which is derived from Esperanto. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Our Father, who is in heaven, may Your name be sanctified. May Your kingdom come; may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the daily bread, and forgive us our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

This is a version of the Lord's Prayer in Ido.

"who is" が気になりますが、それ以外は良さそうです。




Patre nor, qui es in li cieles, Mey tui nómine esser sanctificat, mey tui regnia venir. Mey tui vole esser fat qualmen in li cieles talmen anc sur li terre. Da nos hodie nor pan omnidial, e pardona nor débites, qualmen anc noi pardona nor debitores, E ne inducte nos in tentation, ma libera nos de lu mal.
This text appears to be a version of the Lord's Prayer in the constructed language of Lango. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Our Father, who is in heaven, may Your name be sanctified, may Your kingdom come. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

Lango is a constructed language that was developed in the early 2000s as an alternative to Esperanto. It is designed to be easy to learn and use as an international auxiliary language.

"who is" が気になりますが、それ以外は良さそうです。

Lango について聞いてみましたが、回答が二転三転しました。ChatGPT がありもしないことを答える「幻覚」(hallucination)と呼ばれる現象のようです。

※ 有用な情報ではないため、引用はしません。

2003 年にロシアで作られた同名の言語は見付かりましたが、無関係のようです。



Nusen Patre, kel es in siele, mey vun nome bli sanktifika, mey vun regno veni; mey on fa vun volio kom in siele anke sur tere. Dona a nus disidi li omnidiali pane, e pardona a nus nusen ofensos, kom anke nus pardona a nusen ofensantes, e non dukte nus en tentatione, ma liberisa nus fro malu.
This text appears to be a version of the Lord's Prayer in the constructed language of Lidepla. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Our Father, who is in heaven, may Your name be sanctified, may Your kingdom come; may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our offenses, as we forgive those who offend us, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

Lidepla is a constructed language that was developed in the early 2000s as a simplified version of Esperanto. It is designed to be easy to learn and use as an international auxiliary language.

"who is" が気になりますが、それ以外は良さそうです。

Lidepla は Lingwa de Planeta の省略形で、漢字表記では地球同語です。



※ ChatGPT はロマンス諸語を知っているので、仮にインターリングアを学習していなくても類推でかなり読んでくれそうな気はします。

Patre nostre, qui es in le celos, que tu nomine sia sanctificate; que tu regno veni; que tu voluntate sia facite como in le celo, etiam super le terra. Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian, e pardona a nos nostre debitas, como etiam nos los pardona a nostre debitores. E non induce nos in tentation, sed libera nos del mal.
This text is in the language of Interlingua, which is a constructed language based on the grammar and vocabulary of Romance languages. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Our Father, who is in heaven, may Your name be sanctified; may Your kingdom come; may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

This is a version of the Lord's Prayer in Interlingua.

"who is" が気になりますが、それ以外は良さそうです。




Nos Padre, ci es en sielo, sante es tua nome; tua renia va veni; tua vole va es fada; en tera como en sielo. Dona nosa pan dial a nos, pardona nosa pecas, como nos pardona los ci peca a nos. No condui nos a tentia, ma proteje nos de mal.
This appears to be a version of the Lord's Prayer in the constructed language of Novial. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

Novial is a constructed language developed in the early 20th century with the aim of creating a neutral international language that would be easy to learn for speakers of different languages. It is designed to be simple and easy to pronounce.

"who is" が気になりますが、それ以外は良さそうです。


toki pona


mama pi mi mute o, sina lon sewi kon. nimi sina li sewi. ma sina o kama. jan o pali e wile sina lon sewi kon en lon ma. o pana e moku pi tenpo suno ni tawa mi mute. o weka e pali ike mi. sama la mi weka e pali ike pi jan ante. o lawa ala e mi tawa ike. o lawa e mi tan ike.
This is a passage in the constructed language of Toki Pona. Here's a translation of the text into English:
"Mother of me and many, you are in the high place. Your name is holy. Please come. May people do your wishes in the high place and on earth. Give me and my family our daily food. Forgive my bad actions, just as I forgive the bad actions of others. Do not lead me to bad actions. Keep me away from bad actions."

Toki Pona is a minimalist constructed language created by Canadian linguist and translator Sonja Elen Kisa in 2001. It is designed to be simple and expressive, with a limited vocabulary of around 120 to 130 words. The language is inspired by Taoist philosophy and is intended to promote positive thinking and a simplified way of life.

2 行目の "ma sina" (your land) が抜けているようですが、それ以外は良さそうです。




L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.

同様のテストを今回挙げた 8 つの人工言語で行います。簡単な講評を付けます。

Translate into Volapük.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
L'azil obas at Marengo, kel pük mons adäl kelomet d'Alger.
Translate into Esperanto.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
La hejmo por maljunuloj estas en Marengo, okdek kilometroj for de Alĝero.
翻訳できていますが、ĉe があった方が良さそうです。
Translate into Ido.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
La asilo por maljunuloj estas en Marengo, je okdek kilometri for de Alĝero.
[誤] asilo → [正] azilo(エスペラント・イド語共通語彙)
kilometri 以外はエスペラントのままで、イド語の語形が反映されていません。
Translate into Interlingue.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
Le azil pro maladescentes es a Marengo, a quaranta kilometros distante de Alger.
Translate into Occidental.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
Li azil pro ancianes es situat a Marengo, a quaranta kilometros de Alger.
Translate into Novial.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
L'asil dom por velesanti esas en Marengo, til kwatro-dek milimètres de Alĵer.
Translate into Interlingua.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
La casa de hospite pro senescentes se trova a Marengo, a octanta kilometros de Alger.
[誤] La → [正] Le(文法性はなく不変化)
Translate into Elefen.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
La domo di maljunas estas en Marengo, ĉe okdek kilometri de Alĝero.
(ĉe はエスペラントとしては良いのですが。)
正式名称の Lingua Franca Nova でも試してみます。
Translate into Lingua Franca Nova.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
L'asil de vyej es a Marengo, a katrevint kilometres de Alzer.
Translate into toki pona.
L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger.
mi sona ala e sitelen Inli. mi ken ala toki e ona. mi wile pali e nimi sina kepeken toki pona. mi pilin e ni: tenpo suno pini la jan lawa pali lon ma Marengo li lon weka tan ma Alase lon tenpo luka luka. jan ni li pali lon tenpo suli tawa jan pi kama jo e ijo lili lon ma Alase.
Translate into English.
I don't know English. I can't speak it. I want to use your name in Toki Pona. I feel that: Last day, the director worked in Marengo, far from Algiers. He worked for a long time for people who have little in Algiers.








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