



  1. 機械翻訳によるプルーストの日本語訳を比較
  2. 機械翻訳によるプルーストの英訳を比較 ← この記事
  3. DeepLによるプルーストの重訳を比較
  4. DeepLによる重訳の有効性を評価
  5. 複数の機械翻訳を組み合わせて訳文を作る
  6. プルースト『失われた時を求めて』冒頭




Project Gutenberg で公開されているフランス語原文と英訳を使用します。


  1. DeepL
  2. Google 翻訳
  3. Bing 翻訳

※ みらい翻訳は、お試し翻訳ではフランス語から英語への翻訳がサポートされていないため除外しました。



原文Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure.
英訳For a long time I used to go to bed early.
DeepLFor a long time, I went to bed early.
GoogleFor a long time, I went to bed early.
BingFor a long time, I went to bed early.
原文Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n'avais pas le temps de me dire: «Je m'endors.»
英訳Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."
DeepLSometimes, as soon as my candle was out, my eyes would close so fast I didn't have time to say, "I'm falling asleep."
GoogleSometimes, as soon as my candle was out, my eyes closed so quickly that I didn't have time to say to myself, "I'm falling asleep."
BingSometimes, as soon as my candle was extinguished, my eyes closed so fast that I didn't have time to say, "I'm falling asleep."
原文Et, une demi-heure après, la pensée qu'il était temps de chercher le sommeil m'éveillait;
英訳And half an hour later the thought that it was time to go to sleep would awaken me;
DeepLHalf an hour later, the thought that it was time to go to sleep woke me up;
GoogleAnd, half an hour later, the thought that it was time to go to sleep woke me up;
BingAnd, half an hour later, the thought that it was time to seek sleep awakened me;
原文je voulais poser le volume que je croyais avoir encore dans les mains et souffler ma lumière;
英訳I would try to put away the book which, I imagined, was still in my hands, and to blow out the light;
DeepLI wanted to put down the volume that I thought I still had in my hands and blow out my light;
GoogleI wanted to put the volume I thought I still had in my hands and blow my light;
BingI wanted to lay the volume that I thought I still had in my hands and blow my light;
原文je n'avais pas cessé en dormant de faire des réflexions sur ce que je venais de lire, mais ces réflexions avaient pris un tour un peu particulier;
英訳I had been thinking all the time, while I was asleep, of what I had just been reading, but my thoughts had run into a channel of their own,
DeepLI had not stopped thinking in my sleep about what I had just read, but those thoughts had taken a peculiar turn;
GoogleI had not stopped while sleeping making reflections on what I had just read, but these reflections had taken a rather particular turn;
BingI had not stopped in my sleep to reflect on what I had just read, but these reflections had taken a rather pecant turn;
原文il me semblait que j'étais moi-même ce dont parlait l'ouvrage: une église, un quatuor, la rivalité de François Ier et de Charles Quint.
英訳until I myself seemed actually to have become the subject of my book: a church, a quartet, the rivalry between François I and Charles V.
DeepLit seemed to me that I myself was what the book was about: a church, a quartet, the rivalry between Francis I and Charles V.
Googleit seemed to me that I was myself what the book was talking about: a church, a quartet, the rivalry between François I and Charles V.
Bingit seemed to me that I was what the work was about: a church, a quartet, the rivalry of Francis I and Charles V.
原文Cette croyance survivait pendant quelques secondes à mon réveil;
英訳This impression would persist for some moments after I was awake;
DeepLThis belief survived for a few seconds when I awoke;
GoogleThis belief survived for a few seconds when I woke up;
BingThis belief survived for a few seconds when I woke up;
原文elle ne choquait pas ma raison mais pesait comme des écailles sur mes yeux et les empêchait de se rendre compte que le bougeoir n'était plus allumé.
英訳it did not disturb my mind, but it lay like scales upon my eyes and prevented them from registering the fact that the candle was no longer burning.
DeepLit did not shock my reason, but it weighed like scales on my eyes and prevented them from realizing that the candlestick was no longer lit.
Googleit did not shock my reason but weighed like scales on my eyes and prevented them from realizing that the candlestick was no longer lit.
Bingit did not shock my reason but weighed like scales on my eyes and prevented them from realizing that the candlestick was no longer on.
原文Puis elle commençait à me devenir inintelligible, comme après la métempsycose les pensées d'une existence antérieure;
英訳Then it would begin to seem unintelligible, as the thoughts of a former existence must be to a reincarnate spirit;
DeepLThen it began to become unintelligible to me, like after the metempsychosis the thoughts of a former existence;
GoogleThen it began to become unintelligible to me, as after the metempsychosis the thoughts of a previous existence;
BingThen she began to become unintelligible to me, as after the metempsycosis the thoughts of an earlier existence;
原文le sujet du livre se détachait de moi, j'étais libre de m'y appliquer ou non;
英訳the subject of my book would separate itself from me, leaving me free to choose whether I would form part of it or no;
DeepLthe subject of the book was detached from me, I was free to apply myself to it or not;
Googlethe subject of the book stood out from me, I was free to apply myself to it or not;
Bingthe subject of the book stood out from me, I was free to apply or not;
原文aussitôt je recouvrais la vue et j'étais bien étonné de trouver autour de moi une obscurité, douce et reposante pour mes yeux, mais peut-être plus encore pour mon esprit, à qui elle apparaissait comme une chose sans cause, incompréhensible, comme une chose vraiment obscure.
英訳and at the same time my sight would return and I would be astonished to find myself in a state of darkness, pleasant and restful enough for the eyes, and even more, perhaps, for my mind, to which it appeared incomprehensible, without a cause, a matter dark indeed.
DeepLat once I recovered my sight and I was quite astonished to find around me a darkness, soft and restful for my eyes, but perhaps even more for my spirit, to whom it appeared like a thing without cause, incomprehensible, like a really obscure thing.
Googleimmediately I regained my sight and I was very surprised to find around me a darkness, soft and restful for my eyes, but perhaps even more for my mind, to which it appeared as something without cause, incomprehensible, like a really obscure thing.
Bingimmediately I covered the view and was astonished to find around me a darkness, soft and restful for my eyes, but perhaps even more so for my mind, to which it appeared as a thing without cause, incomprehensible, as a truly obscure thing.
原文Je me demandais quelle heure il pouvait être;
英訳I would ask myself what o'clock it could be;
DeepLI wondered what time it could be;
GoogleI was wondering what time it could be;
BingI wondered what time it might be;
原文j'entendais le sifflement des trains qui, plus ou moins éloigné, comme le chant d'un oiseau dans une forêt, relevant les distances, me décrivait l'étendue de la campagne déserte où le voyageur se hâte vers la station prochaine;
英訳I could hear the whistling of trains, which, now nearer and now farther off, punctuating the distance like the note of a bird in a forest, shewed me in perspective the deserted countryside through which a traveller would be hurrying towards the nearest station:
DeepLI heard the whistling of trains which, more or less distant, like the song of a bird in a forest, raising the distances, described to me the extent of the deserted countryside where the traveller hurries towards the next station;
GoogleI heard the whistling of the trains which, more or less distant, like the song of a bird in a forest, noting the distances, described to me the extent of the deserted countryside where the traveler hurried towards the next station;
BingI could hear the whistling of the trains, which, more or less distant, like the song of a bird in a forest, raising the distances, described to me the extent of the deserted countryside where the traveller hurried to the next station;
原文et le petit chemin qu'il suit va être gravé dans son souvenir par l'excitation qu'il doit à des lieux nouveaux, à des actes inaccoutumés, à la causerie récente et aux adieux sous la lampe étrangère qui le suivent encore dans le silence de la nuit, à la douceur prochaine du retour.
英訳the path that he followed being fixed for ever in his memory by the general excitement due to being in a strange place, to doing unusual things, to the last words of conversation, to farewells exchanged beneath an unfamiliar lamp which echoed still in his ears amid the silence of the night; and to the delightful prospect of being once again at home.
DeepLand the little road he follows will be engraved in his memory by the excitement he owes to new places, to unusual acts, to the recent talk and the farewells under the foreign lamp which still follow him in the silence of the night, to the coming sweetness of the return.
Googleand the little path he follows will be engraved in his memory by the excitement he owes to new places, unusual acts, recent chat and farewells under the foreign lamp which still follow him in silence of the night, the next sweetness of the return
Bingand the little path he follows will be etched in his memory by the excitement he owes to new places, to unusual acts, to the recent talk and to the farewell under the foreign lamp that still follow him in the silence of the night, to the forthcoming sweetness of the return.




Bing 翻訳はフランス語 elle が指す名詞を適切に解釈できずに she としている個所が見られます。

DeepLThen it began to become unintelligible to me, like after the metempsychosis the thoughts of a former existence;
GoogleThen it began to become unintelligible to me, as after the metempsychosis the thoughts of a previous existence;
BingThen she began to become unintelligible to me, as after the metempsycosis the thoughts of an earlier existence;
